
SpotAnalysis is the generalized analysis of a beam of light on an optical target. This problem occurs in several situations in CSP metrology; the Beam Characterization System (BCS), shown here, is one example. Other examples include returned-spot analysis and laser measurement methods. In this example, a single heliostat reflects sunlight onto the BCS target at the top of the Sandia National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF) tower. A camera captures the image, and the SpotAnalysis code identifies both the ideal target point based on the target boundary, and the actual maximum flux point in the beam. The difference between these is pointing error.

Click image to enlarge


OpenCSP_Code: opencsp/opencsp/common/lib/cv/


Functional, still in progress


J. W. Strachan. Revisiting the BCS, a Measurement System for Characterizing the Optics of Solar Collectors. Sandia Technical Report SAND92-2789C, 1992.