Metrology Support Models

OpenCSP_Mechanical contains several CAD models which we have found useful in designing CSP optical metrology experiments. These may be useful for the OpenCSP community in designing their own experiments, or for designing experiments to collaborate with the Sandia National Solar Thermal Test Facility (NSTTF).

Click image to enlarge


  • OpenCSP_Box: OpenCSP_Mechanical
  • OpenCSP_Box: OpenCSP_Mechanical/opencsp_mechanical/GeneralPurpose
  • OpenCSP_Box: OpenCSP_Mechanical/opencsp_mechanical/Sandia/GeneralPurpose_Sandia


Operational. A few models need to be completed to bring up to OpenCSP standards.


F. M. Brimigion and R. C. Brost. SOFAST CAD Layout Tool Overview and User Guide, Document Version 1.0. Sandia National Laboratories Report SAND2024-10380, August 2024.