SOFAST computes high-resolution maps of optical slope across a mirror surface. These data sets show example SOFAST calculations, beginning with projected fringes (or fixed-pattern artwork), and showing results of intermediate calculation steps up to final analysis results. The data sets include both images and machine-readable stored information.
First example posted, but we plan to include more details, and more example cases
B. J. Smith, R. C. Brost, and B. G. Bean. SOFAST 2.0 User Guide and Technical Description, Document Version 1.0. Sandia National Laboratories Report SAND2024-10936, August 2024.
B. J. Smith, R. C. Brost, and B. G. Bean. OpenCSP Deflectometry Technical Description, Document Version 1.0. Sandia National Laboratories Report SAND2024-10934, August 2024.
B. J. Smith, R. C. Brost, and B. G. Bean. Scene Reconstruction User Guide, Document Version 1.0. Sandia National Laboratories Report SAND2024-10625, August 2024.
B. J. Smith, R. C. Brost, and B. G. Bean. OpenCSP Camera Calibration, Document Version 1.0. Sandia National Laboratories Report SAND2024-10619, August 2024.