SOFAST CAD Layout Tool

SOFAST 2.0 is a system for measuring high-resolution maps of mirror slope. The SOFAST CAD Layout Tool provides an interactive system in SolidWorks for designing a SOFAST layout. The tool provides automatic reflection construction and visualization of optical constraints required for successful SOFAST operation, including the analysis of obstacles in a cluttered environment. It has been successfully used to design several challenging SOFAST installations.

Click image to enlarge


  • OpenCSP_Box: OpenCSP_Mechanical
  • OpenCSP_Box: OpenCSP_Mechanical/opencsp_mechanical/Sandia/Optics_Lab/SOFAST_Landscape/Sandia_Optics_Lab_Landscape.SLDASM
  • OpenCSP_Box: OpenCSP_Mechanical/opencsp_mechanical/Sandia/Optics_Lab/SOFAST_FaceUp/Sandia_Optics_Lab_FaceUp.SLDASM
  • OpenCSP_Box: OpenCSP_Mechanical/opencsp_mechanical/Sandia/CFV_Labs/SOFAST_Chamber_A/CFVLabs_ChamberA.SLDASM




  • F. M. Brimigion and R. C. Brost.  SOFAST CAD Layout Tool Overview and User Guide, Document Version 1.0. Sandia National Laboratories Report SAND2024-10380, August 2024.
  • F. Brimigion, R. C. Brost, and B. Smith. Interactive CAD Layout of Reflection-Based Mirror Metrology Systems. SolarPACES 2023, Sydney, Australia, October 2023.