SOFAST 2.0 can run on many laptops, utilizing the laptop screen for the optical target, and the built-in camera. Capable of measuring small optics such as the cosmetic mirror shown here, this is a great tool for CSP education.
B. J. Smith, R. C. Brost, and B. G. Bean. OpenCSP Deflectometry Technical Description, Document Version 1.0. Sandia National Laboratories Report SAND2024-10934, August 2024.
B. J. Smith, R. C. Brost, and B. G. Bean. Scene Reconstruction User Guide, Document Version 1.0. Sandia National Laboratories Report SAND2024-10625, August 2024.
B. J. Smith, R. C. Brost, and B. G. Bean. OpenCSP Camera Calibration, Document Version 1.0. Sandia National Laboratories Report SAND2024-10619, August 2024.